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Roberta’s Place, Inc. is a program for victims of Domestic Violence located in Grants, New Mexico, with a primary service area encompassing the whole of Cibola County, including Laguna, Acoma and Ramah Indian Reservations.

Roberta’s Place is a non-profit organization and does not charge for any services provided for the victims and their children which includes (but not limited to); counseling, education, intervention, emergency shelter, case management, legal advocacy, and support groups.

Roberta’s Place works closely with community groups, law enforcement agencies, courts, schools, tribal groups, and social service organizations to educate, reduce and eliminate the incidence of Domestic Violence.  Our program provides community education in the school and other community service organizations to provide awareness and education to all aspects of the community.

Roberta’s Place provides emergency shelter for victims of Domestic Violence for up to 90 days.  Since 1996, Roberta’s Place has grown from a 12 bed, 2 bedroom shelter, to a 24 bed, 7 bedroom shelter with spacious living areas, complete kitchen and bathroom facilities, laundry room and program areas, all handicap accessible.

From 1996 to 2012 Roberta’s Place has housed over 3,779 women and children and assisted over 100 victims through our 24 hour crisis call line per year.